Funny, Funny Stories From my days at Eden, P.D.

By Michael D. Martin, E.C.P.D. Retired

About the author...Michael Martin (pictured front row, far right in the 1981 photo) is a retired veteran of 25 years on the Eden City Police Department, and has penned a number of anecdotal writings recalling his experiences.

XLV. J.C. and the Great Chicken Robbery

     This had to be about 1978..I was fast asleep with my beautiful wife about four AM...When the phone rang...Barb answered and said its for you.....there was no love in that voice....I answered. it was J.C. four in the morning...He said someone had stolen some of his prized fighting chickens...up until that time, at four in the morning, I had not considered the value of fighting chickens...Barb was in a sniff...she had to go to work in the morning...I was up at four in the morning talking to some idiot about missing chickens????


      Now, don't get me wrong, I liked J.C. He was Punch Foley's Boy. My dad built Punch Foley's house. Punch Foley was one of the old time stampeeders who ran moonshine from the mountains to the cities and never was caught as far (as I know) Punch was a gambler and a moonshiner and a friend I remember.....J.C....Maybe after that night...I wanted to kill.


     Was not two nights later, I got a call at was JC...he had information on his stolen chickens....they were fighting I gave a damn!!! and he told me he sold some for two hundred and fifty dollars apeice to men from the Philippines...again, like I gave a damn...they were chickens...I eat chickens!!!!  Barb was not too sure who was calling me...things got chilly...I thought of killing won't easy to start with....we did a little work and got a few leads and out of fear for my marriage...I followed them up and we arrested a house painter from over on 87 south with the chickens...some of them were dead...we rescued a few chickens.....I felt like a freakin hero!!! chickens??? but at least we had a case you believe this........chicken theft.    The chief of detectives of the Eden City Police Department was prosecuting a case of  "chicken theft". trying to save his marriage...I am embarrassed even today to admit this...

Michael D. Martin

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